Amy Telford
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Name: Amy Telford
School: Salem Community High School
Degree: MA in Instructional Strategies
Grade levels you teach: 9th-12th
What is your teaching style and philosophy?
I have changed my teaching style over the years to a more student-centered focus. Instead of me giving them all the information, I want my students to generate questions and be excited about finding the answers. I like to give my students many opportunities to learn and show their understanding of science concepts. The new Illinois Science Standards based on the NGSS have been a big inspiration to change how I teach to benefit students in the last 7 years, and I can’t imagine going back to how I used to teach before the new standards.
How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?
I am hopeful to learn actual research skills and get to do “real” science as part of the Noyce MTF. It is so nice to focus on the area in which we live, and I hope to share this data and new skills with my students as a result. I am already imagining things that I could do to help spread the information we are learning with my community, and how we can come together to make our part of the world more sustainable and environmentally friendly.