Keith Campbell

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Name: Keith Stewart CampbellKeith Stewart Campbell

School: Cairo School District 1

Degree: MS in Elementary Education

Years Teaching: 15.5

Grade levels you Teach: 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

My style and philosophy are interlaced, and they start outside of the classroom. My goal is to make connections with all students not just the ones I have in class. In the lunchroom, halls, at ball games, anywhere students are we just talk. This way I get to know them, and they get to know me. They learn that I am not just their teacher but someone who cares about them not only their classwork. The result is I have fewer problems, better participation, and I can guide them through work. There are occasions when I lose class time dealing with one of the many issues students at, or school have but, that only increases the strength of our connections.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

This program is the perfect fit for our school and community. Right now we are fighting for our future. Any positive ideas that we can bring into the school and town will aid in putting us in a better light. One idea I have been trying to get off the ground is building up the student bodies image of our school and community. Things have been done a certain way for so long it is difficult to change their mindset. A school garden and recycling program are both doable and positive self-image projects. They will uplift student morale and community image. With support and aid from the Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship and my fellow participants, we will be able to achieve positive changes to our perception that can be exhibited to the Southern Illinois area. Being able to draw on the support and knowledge of the cohort will help me keep on track and moving forward with these changes and more.