April Bartnick

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Name: April Bartnick April Bartnick

School: Murphysboro Middle School

Degree: MA in Sociology

Years Teaching: 13

Grade levels you teach: 5th


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

I strive to have a student-centered classroom where students help drive instruction by giving input on classroom projects and being a part of the evaluation process. I believe directing students toward self-determination, and problem-solving strategies are fundamental in helping them tap into their unique strengths. One of my goals as a teacher is to create a positive atmosphere where students are comfortable and confident in their learning environment.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

I see the Noyce MTF Fellowship expanding my scope and deepening my knowledge of environmental sustainability. I plan to develop need based projects with students by identifying and analyzing environmental issues in our school and community; subsequently, the students and I will collaborate to improve the matter. I envision this program empowering me to inspire students by fueling them with hope and letting them know they can make a difference in their community.