Craig Kirchner

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Name: Craig KirchnerCraig Kirchner

School: DuQuoin High School CUSD #300

Degree: MS in Plant and Soil Science; MA in Secondary Education Biology

Certification: License in Special Education Learning Behavior Specialist

Years Teaching: 10

Grade levels you teach: 9th-12th


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

I often use discussion and hands-on activities as a basis for my teaching style. I encourage critical thinking and lively discussion by asking students to respond to various types of questions. I believe that students should be able to discover lessons through hands-on activity because it is often the most effective way of learning. When working with my Emotional Disability population, I focus on behavior as a reaction to external stimuli. I feel that changing the environment can change misbehaviors.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

Working with other teachers on a higher level of thinking platform has allowed me to adopt and share new ideas for the classroom. This fellowship has given me a push in the right direction. I have personally begun to make personal lifestyle choices that positively affect the environment. I model these choices for my students and encourage them to make environmentally sound decisions. With this new-found motivation, I have also taken the lead on a community garden project that is entering its 2nd year. I look forward to new challenges and opportunities this program will bring.