Angela Zier

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Name: Angela ZierAngela Zier

School: Carterville High School

Degree: BS in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, MEd, Master of Chemical and Life Science

Years Teaching: 13

Grade levels you teach: 9-12


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

I enjoy teaching in an active classroom! My students are busy exploring evidence, making sense of data, and creating models to build understanding. As a science educator it is my job to carefully craft learning experiences for my students to help them make scientific discoveries for themselves.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

Being a Noyce Master Teaching Fellow has encouraged me to broaden my goals as a teacher and as a leader in my school and community. My students have directly benefited from my research experiences through Noyce programming and my professional network has greatly expanded. I am determined to incorporate principles of environmental sustainability in all courses that I teach in the future.