John Casebolt

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Name: John A. CaseboltJohn Casebolt

School: Jefferson Elementary

Degree: MA in Teaching

Years Teaching: 6

Grade levels you teach: 5th


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

My teaching style is based on exploratory learning in teams where I try to use an engagement piece followed by student exploration. The engagement piece can be a video clip, demonstration, or a student survey. My philosophy of education is that we learn from each other and students become more engaged when they can share their ideas and questions with their classmates as well as the instructor. I love the look my students give when I admit they have taught me something in a lesson.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

I see Master Teaching Fellowship enhancing my lessons and overall course curriculum. As an industrial technology teacher, I am in a perfect position to have students explore solutions to environmental sustainability through experimentations with technology. Our school also has a horticulture class with a commercial size greenhouse just down the hall where our students can collaborate on projects. We also have begun to expand awareness for our program by partnering with individuals and community organizations to build a stronger sense of community within the district.