Meteicha Green

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Name: Meteicha Catherine GreenMeteicha Catherine Green

School: Carruthers School

Degree: MS in Special Education

Years Teaching: 17

Grade levels you teach: 3rd


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

I think that students learn by doing. I see myself as a facilitator to help them learn, not an instructor. I like to hear what they are thinking so I ask a lot of open-ended questions when we are working on something together. I hope that each of my students will develop academic and social skills to help them to become successful in the next school year or in life.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

Even though we have just started, I have started to look at my teaching differently. I am gaining the academic knowledge in the area of Environmental Sustainability to give me the confidence to do things differently and to ask my students to try to do things in a way that they haven’t thought about. I’m looking forward to this journey, and I am taking my students along with me.