Eryn Wissler

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Eryn WisslerName: Eryn Wissler

School: Collinsville High School

Degree: Master of Science (Educational Administration)

Years Teaching: 19

Grade levels You Teach: 9th


What is your teaching style and philosophy?

One of my teaching styles is that I implement a flipped classroom with my students. My philosophy is one of utilizing many different teaching styles in order to fit most student’s needs. I feel that if you have a wide variety of teaching techniques, most likely students will find something that works for them. I love to implement technology when I can; however, I try not to overdo it. My classroom is structured yet relaxed enough to keep a friendly and fun environment. My students know that there is a mutual respect amongst us all.

How do you see the SIUC Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship in Environmental Sustainability influencing you as an educator, your classroom and your community?

As an educator, I see the fellowship helping me to feel more confident in my environmental knowledge and research skills. It will help me to be a better leader in my school and in my classroom. Being in a group of fellow educators always seems to ignite my creativity and spur new ideas to bring into my classroom. Therefore, I know that I will be bringing new lessons, activities, and research ideas back to my classroom that will benefit all my students. I see this being influential to my community as well because I may consider a community project for my Green Proposal. Even if I don’t do a community project, my knowledge as to what I can personally implement for environmental sustainability will be of benefit to my community as that is the environment that I live in. I already see a positive impact in making my lifestyle more “green” from just the two class meetings we have had so far!